Friday, 27 January 2012

What's A Girl To Do?

When I first started this blog, I thought I would write a blog that incorporated different wines that I drank – but in alphabetical order. This is proving to be a challenging task. I'd much rather drink the wines that I love, that I actually want to drink rather than being strapped to selecting a wine based on a particular alphabet letter.

I also find that I basically just write about whatever's going on in my life at that moment. I don't necessarily want to be restricted to always write about wine.

What do I do? Start a brand new blog? Or do I edit and delete a few posts and write up a new blog description?


Happy Friday Folks!


Friday, 20 January 2012

Yoga and Bogo

I followed through with parts of last weeks post and decided to check out Bikram's hot yoga this week. It was pretty amazing. I may have felt like puking at one point, but that hasn't deterred me. I will in fact be returning this weekend! It really made me feel so happy, relaxed and instantly healthy. I forgot how great it is for mind and body. I headed to Organza following the class to grab an organic fruit and vegetable shake. I had the mango with greens- don't let the deep shade of green fool you, it was beyond delicious.

Off topic..... Got to interview Winnipeg Jets Mark Stewart and Zach Bogosian one on one today! Ohh, how I love CreComm so very much. We get some pretty cool opportunities. Bogo is a little country boy at heart, he loves hunting and fishing, Budweiser, and lives in the middle of nowhere. It was pretty cool chatting with them. It may have been even more so cool of the Jets for being so helpful in setting up these interviews to help us with our magazine project. Thank you Jets- Christina, Scott and Andrew!

Pretty impressed today and feeling utterly positive. Sending good vibes to all!

Happy Weekend!


Friday, 13 January 2012

Those Dang 2012 Reso's

Since the start of 2012, I made a slew of New Years my head. I may have shared one or two. I don't typically believe that setting such goals is necessarily a positive thing. Kinda think it sets you up for feeling guilty if things don't go "as planned".

With that said, I am feeling guilty.

I kept some of my resolutions a secret, they were just for me. Now I am understanding the importance of writing your goals and dreams down on paper. Apparently you are more likely to achieve success when they are written down? So I've been told in Psychology textbooks.

I was embarrassed to share some of my goals with loved one's– have no idea why. Perhaps, I thought they would think it was silly or lame. Or maybe they'd doubt me and I didn't want to hear it. Either way, I say screw it. It hasn't been happening so far, so I am officially writing some of my "resolutions" down. Judge me, laugh at me, love me.

Here, I will list a FEW of my goals- both silent and shared- for the start of 2012. I had like fifteen, you'd think 2011 was a bad year.

1.) Make time for all things peaceful. Whether it's yoga, meditation, writing, or a jog. Whatever I choose to be my therapy in that moment. Make time.
2.) Tamara, you are running the 1/2 marathon this year. Start up a regular training program. Buy those sweet Saucony's you're dying to run in. Update your iPod. Marathon- do it.
3.) BLOG- figure it out. Keep it current. Update it. Revamp if needed. A-Z of wine? Is my blog just all about me and my obsessions? or is it a combo of wine and me. Do it.
4.) Be present with family and friends. Sure my life may turn into a tornado, but remember to make some time to say "hi, how are you?"– at the very least. I miss them dearly.
5.) Nicolas Cringan.... thank you. Best thing in my life. I need and know this reso well.
7.) Love. With every ounce of my being.

I don't care if this cheesy, lame, or cliche. I am writing everything down from now on. This is my year. I will pour my little heart out if I have to.

Patience, calm, laughter and understanding, stay with me in 2012.

Laugh often and be kind.


Keep u posted on my 7 hopes and dreams.